Associate Degree for Transfer
Associate of Science for Transfer
Certificate of Achievement



项目目的: The objective of the 健康教育 Program is to enrich the student's education, 职业生涯, and life by learning integrated wellness strategies. This helps promote a healthy lifestyle as well as to prepare students for higher education and professional 职业生涯s in the health industry. With a foundation based in Liberal Arts and the natural and behavioral sciences, the curriculum is directed to prepare students for the multitude of activities in the health profession. Transfer students interested in specializing in 健康教育 who wish to qualify for an Associate Degree could explore Nursing Science or Holistic 健康 Studies as a possible major. 

项目描述: The objective of the 健康教育 is the development and education of students in preparation for professional 职业生涯s in a variety of health fields. 的课程, based upon a foundation in the liberal arts and the natural and behavioral sciences, are directed to special preparation for the various activities in the specific health fields. Transfer students interested in specializing in 健康教育 who wish to qualify for an Associate in Science Degree could explore 健康 Information Technology or Nursing Science as a possible major.

澳门皇家赌城在线大学 offers eight different 健康教育 courses on a regular basis. All except one of the offerings (HED V71) meet the 健康教育 requirement for an 文学副学士 and an Associate of Science degree. 学生 learn the concepts of disease prevention, 减压 and personal everyday decisions that can lead to optimal health. 



The 全面的研究 program assists students in developing a knowledge base of holistic principles through an interdisciplinary examination of the ways in which humanity reflects upon the essential nature of the human spirit. 学生 may explore the principles and beliefs of major religious and spiritual traditions that assist in the comprehension of foundational human experiences. 死亡, 死亡和悲伤, ethical and moral dilemmas, finding happiness and meaning in life, and other such root experiences may be explored from varying cultural and historical perspectives. 学生 may also examine the effects of the healing arts, 生活方式的选择, 减压, and alternative and integrative medicines on graceful aging, disease prevention as well as on the creation and maintenance of optimum health and wellness. 

访问VC 大学目录 for information for the AA degree in 全面的研究.


There is a Proficiency award in 全面的研究 that is awarded by the department.  参观 大学目录 欲知详情.

We also offer an Associate Degree in General Studies with a 全面的研究 Emphasis. 

For more information on the division please visit the 健康, Kinesiology and 体育运动 Division website.

Articles and documents associated with 健康 and Holistic 健康:


系主任: Raeann刚